
This is the installation instruction for the Python version, not the Matlab version.

The easiest way to use Psignifit is to use the Enthought Python Distribution. In that case, you might want to download Psignifit from

Psignifit3 Downloads

Choose one of the files psignifit3.0_beta_<date of the snapshot>_win32-py2.6.exe. Executing the installer should install Psignifit3.0 on your system.

Installing the command line interface (optional)

Download the file psignifit_cli_3_beta_installer_<date of the snapshot>.exe from sourceforge and run it. This is a windows installer and can be installed as usual. Follow the instructions on the screen. At the end of the installation, you will be asked whether you want to add psignifit-cli to your environment path. You should leave this box checked. You will not be able to use psignifit from within Matlab if you uncheck this box!

Testing your installation

To check whether your installation has been successful and pypsignifit is working properly, you can call:

>>> import pypsignifit
>>> pypsignifit.version

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