MayBe: - implement fullmodel, nullmodel - Implement alternative SimplexAlgorithm (Numerical Recipes?, gsl-Wrapper-Object?) The current one depends heavily on the initial simplex!
- Perform some gradient based steps after simplex optimization (doesn’t work good)
- alternative: Perform some gradient based steps as a special case of simplex optimization (e.g. particularly good points are moved in the direction of the gradient?)
GoodnessOfFit looks better now
math symbols in documentation according to
allow for the gamma=lambda prior
optimize automatic proposal distribution generation
swignifit solves psipy problems
negative Gamma prior
Influential observations and outliers for Bayes [OK]
improved search for starting values [OK]
influential observations marked graded [OK]
posterior predictive Rkd, Rpd [OK]
more meaningfull errors if sample based plot functions are used before sampling [OK]
Inference objects take relative probabilities, too [OK]
nonparametric bootstrap [OK]
Sensitivity analysis [OK]
Add ThresholdPlot to Tutorial [OK]
resampling of chains in BayesInference objects [OK]
Like ParameterPlot but for thresholds [OK]
move numbers further away from the axes. [OK]
warning message for Rpd: “Try other sigmoid!” [OK]
unit tests [OK]
write a number of simulated observers [OK]
complete tutorial [OK] [OK]
More Sigmoids (gumbel, weibull, gauss, ...) [OK] at least for now
log-core to allow fitting data on log contrast (i.e. gumbel to weibull) [OK]
unit tests for logCore and linearCore [OK]
linear core ax+b [OK]
Unit test for mwCore [OK]
Outliers and Influential observations [OK]
implement dlposteri und dnegllikeli [OK] check hybrid MCMC versus MH-MCMC [OK] can we put both MCMC strategies together to have the same base class? [OK]
Documentation [OK]
pointer arithmetic for datasets [OK]
low level Python interface
refactor the python toolbox to have “strict” data objects and plot functions working on top of these [OK]
Convergence diagnostics for MCMC [OK]
posterior intervals and posterior histograms for model parameters [OK]
Using linalg matrix routines in leastfavourable [OK]
Don’t use asymptotic values for the correlations. [OK] only for Rkd, Rpd seemed be be based on all blocks (Why?)
copy Core, Sigmoid, ... in psychometric [OK] done for priors too
migrate to boost-python? [OK] decided to use SWIG instead